Please follow these following steps carefully:
Click 'Sign in' icon which looks like this:
Click 'Signup' and setup your own username
On signup success, sign-in again
On menu, click 'Registration', the browser will ask you to choose the desired program of study. Choose one.
You will be approved within a second. Return to 'Registration' and start choosing class as suggested:
On menu, click 'Class' to accesss material and assignment.
Please submit the scanned files of required documents as soon as possible:
Proof of identity having a photograph of the applicant, such as
national ID card with English pronunciation of your name
driver's license with English pronunciation of your name
Proof of previous education, such as a diploma or a transcript
Applicants need to submit them to mail@ium-usa.org (Subject: Documentation); otherwise, diploma cannot be issued.
Please be aware that fake documentation can lead to the postpone of your application and degree.
If you have problems applying, please contact us.